Welcome to my doctoral dossier website

My name is Taufik Ikhsan Slamet. I am a fourth-year doctoral student in the Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington.

I completed my bachelor degree in Educational Technology and my master in Instructional Technology program in 2010 and 2012 respectively. In the same year after finishing my master degree, I started my professional career when I worked as a training analyst in an IT Company in Indonesia that developed healthcare and education information systems.

After two years working in industry, I earned a great opportunity to work in academia as an instructor. In 2014, I started working as a college instructor in a teacher college institution that educated pre-service teachers from remote areas in Indonesia (Papua, Kalimantan, Maluku, and Nusa Tenggara island). During that position, I worked in the department of Informatic and Computer Education. In 2015, I was hired as an instructor in a state university in Indonesia, working in the Department of Educational Technology, School of Education. My work responsibilities covered teaching, students’ counselor, community services, and researching. After working four years in this position, I joined a doctoral program at Indiana University Bloomington in 2019.

This website summarizes my experiences in academia. To be specific, there are three themes that describe my competencies, including teaching, research, and service.