I am inspired by how games can change the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills of players. By applying game design elements that are commonly applied in games, I am focusing my first inquiry project to understand how competition, as one of essential game design elements, can influence learners’ engagement in discussion-based learning. The study aims to seek the role of competition in gamified online discussions on learners’ behavioral engagement (i.e., number of post and earned points) and cognitive engagement (the quality of learners’ posts). Through a quasi-experimental study in two groups of graduate students in Indonesia, we tested our hypothesis that assumed competition affects learners’ behavioral and cognitive engagement in discussion-based learning.
A. Literature Review and Synthesis
Through the writing of a literature review in R711, I gained a deeper understanding of gamification’s role in education and learning. This process helped me to build the foundation, opportunities, and insight for the prospective issues on gamification for learning.
In Y631 – Discourse Theory and Analysis course, I gained a different experience in conducting literature review on research methodology topics. I conducted a mini literature review that was connected to my minor in the media school. By synthesizing some literature in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), I was able to complete a study on discourse analysis in newspapers in Indiana.
B. Ability to critique and review empirical studies
In R711, I gained valuable experience in writing critiques of academic papers. I practiced how to identify the significance of a published paper by determining central knowledge claims and its’ supporting evidence. During the R690 course, I practiced analyzing the quality of published papers by using some established frameworks of quantitative and qualitative research. In addition, I also practiced writing a good quality manuscript review.
To build my expertise and contribute to scholarly community in my country, I voluntarily work as an editor in a published journal in my home institution. This role helps me to expand my knowledge of the educational technology trends emerging in my country. Also, this position gives me valuable experience in critical reading and academic writing. I am also involved as a peer reviewer in some academic publisher: 1) Common Ground Research Networks (CGN) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2) Journal of Education and Learning (JEL), Canadian Center of Science and Education, and 3) The International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL).
During the AECT conference in 2020, I volunteered as a proposal and design showcase reviewer. I was involved in reviewing submitted proposals in two different divisions in the conference: 1) design & development, and 2) emerging learning technologies. Also, I reviewed one proposal in a design and development showcase.
C. Ability to conduct research studies
Conference Papers and Presentations
- Slamet, T. I. (2022). A Gamification Platform for Engaging Learners in Discussion-Based Learning [Poster Presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Boling, E., Basdogan, M., Nadir, H., Abramenka-Lachheb, V., Sankaranarayanan, R., Lachheb, A., Chartrand, G.T., Feng, C., Harris, A., Kardirova, D., Slamet, T. I., Yan, Y. (2022). Investigating Precedent – The Bridge Between Declarative Knowledge and Design Practice [Roundtable Session]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Slamet, T. I., Setyosari, P., Al Maki, W. F., Varelo, J., & Oktaviani, H. I. (2019, October). Engagement Experiences on Using Gamified Platform in Pre-service Teacher Education. In 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 43-48). IEEE.
- Surahman, E., Ulfa, S., Husna, A., Slamet, T. I., Qolbi, M. S. U., Setiawan, A. B., … & Diana, R. C. (2019, October). The Effect of Blended Training Model to Improving Learning Outcomes: A Case in Micro Learning Object Training. In 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 33-38). IEEE.
Instructional Design and Development project
Prior to joining the program, I worked on a design and development project of a gamified learning platform for pre-service teacher education. This platform was aimed to provide pre-service teachers in the program with authentic teaching problems that were shared by teachers in schools. In R542, I complete a picture book that aims to guide second and third school-graders to practice some principles and skills in photography. Throughout the development, I was able to learn deeply about graphic design principles and children’s learning characteristics.
Research Group activities
Dr. Cho’s Interdisciplinary Research Group (2020)
- Read through recent publications in comparison between F2F and online learning in higher education (i.e., graduate levels).
- Present literature analysis in research group meetings.
- Create a summary of all discussed papers.
Prof. Boling’s Precedent Study (2020 – Present)
- Explore how precedence concept is used in the various design field.
- Read literature related to design precedent.
- Analyze assigned articles in terms of the use of precedence knowledge in the design field.
I-ACT (Dr. Brush and Dr. Glazewski’s research group) – Teacher Professional Development working group (2020 – 2021)
- Read related literature in teacher competencies in game-based pedagogy.
- Work collaboratively in designing webinar in PBL and game-based learning for teachers.
IU Racial Justice project (Dr. Barnes and Dr. Cooperman’s research group) (2020 – 2021)
- Contribute to proposal writing for a grant.
- Identify available local news publishers in rural Indiana areas.
- Data collection and exploration.
- Involve in community partnership.
D. Ability to write grants
2020 Schmidt Futures: Futures Forum on Learning (Tools Competition)
The competition invited teachers, students, researchers, and tech specialist to propose a technological tool or platform that accelerate the learning process in K-12 grades during the recovery period from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this competition, I proposed a gamified learning platform called “Dewantara Quest”, which aimed to increase Indonesian elementary students’ reading skills and motivation.
2020 The IU Racial Justice Research Funding Program
The funding program was aimed to further advance faculty efforts to fight racial injustice. I joined a research team that was led by a faculty from the IU School of Public Health. The proposed study entitled “Exploring the Racial Justice Conversation in Midwestern Rural Communities: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Media in 31 Southern Rural Indiana Counties”.
E. Foundational Knowledge in the field
I have completed the following courses at IU to support my inquiry knowledge growth.
- EDUC R690 – Application of Research Methods to IST Issues
- EDUC L630 – Writing in American Research
- EDUC Y611 – Qualitative Inquiry in Education
- EDUC Y502 – Intermediate Statistics Applied to Education
- EDUC Y604 – Multivariate Analysis in Education
- EDUC Y631 – Discourse Theory and Analysis
- EDUC Y500 – Computer lab for Educational Inquiry
- MSCH M502 – Media Research