2024 Understanding SDGs #4 (Quality Education)

Project title: Understanding SDGs #4 (Quality Education) Through the lens of mass communication in public universities

Introduction: In this study, we are motivated to understand how public universities contextualize Sustainable Development Goal #4 (i.e., Quality Education) into their program at schools or department levels. The goal of this study is to provide empirical evidence regarding the trend and focus of the institution in realizing the goal of quality education in their respective fields. We believe that this study will provide insightful takeaways for policymakers in universities to make informed decisions in the short and long-term programs and goals.

Methods: We delve into the data mining process, content, and thematic analysis to understand how public universities contextualize the spirit of Sustainable Development Goal #4 (i.e., Quality Education).


Results: we have an on-going analysis and if you are interested in our project, please do not hesitate to reach out to taufik.ikhsan.tep@um.ac.id.